do you need a whole-house dehumidifier?do you need a whole-house dehumidifier?

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do you need a whole-house dehumidifier?

Do you have an excessive amount of moisture in your home? Have you had the foundation checked for issues just to find that the moisture is coming from the air and not the structure? If your home is filled with moisture, it is time for you to look into having a whole-house dehumidifier installed. This system pulls the air from the duct work and filters the moisture out of it. It then pushes the dry air into your home and prevents more moisture from becoming an issue. This blog will explain the whole-house dehumidifier system to help you decide if it will do well in your home.

Troubleshooting 3 Common Air Conditioning Problems

During the summer months, there is nothing worse than discovering that your air conditioner is no longer working. Luckily, many of the problems people encounter with air conditioning units can be fixed quite easily and without a background in mechanical repair. So keep reading to discover three problems you might come across with your air conditioning, and the repairs you can perform yourself.

Air Flow

Complaints about air flow are among the most common that HVAC technicians receive. In these cases, residents are usually able to confirm that cold air is coming out of their vents, but there's simply not enough of it to cool their home effectively. There are two reasons this might be happening. Firstly, the filters likely need replacing. Though this is considered part of regular maintenance, it's something that people often forget about until they notice a significant decrease in proper air flow. Replacing the filters isn't expensive, and takes just a few minutes. Other cases could be attributed to a blockage surrounding the air conditioning unit outdoors. If the unit is buried underneath boxes or other materials, the air flow will decrease exponentially.

Delayed Shutoff

Another common problem often experienced with air conditioning units is delayed shutoff. In short, this means that although the air flow is normal and the temperature of the air is cold enough, the air conditioner doesn't shut off automatically until long after the desired temperature is reached throughout the whole of a room or house. The most likely culprit in this case is poor placement of the thermostat. If, for example, the thermostat is located in direct sunlight, then the unit will misread the actual temperature indoors and attempt to work accordingly. Luckily, the solution is an easy one -- simply move your thermostat to a place inside that is a better representation of the average temperature, and you'll suddenly stop feeling like you're frozen inside your own home.

Warm Air

If the air coming out of your unit isn't nearly as cold as you would like it to be, it may be because the unit's refrigerant needs to be recharged. Though this sounds like a complicated process, it can be completed in less than half an hour. Once you've put on some safety goggles and purchased some refrigerant, insert a can of it into a dispenser and screw it in. Then locate the unit's fill port and attach the dispenser. Take a pressure reading, recharge it appropriately, and you're done!

However, if you're unsure as to what's going on with your air conditioning, it may be a good idea to contact a local specialist, such as Arc Electric & Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., and have them take a look at your unit.